Track Add to Cart

You can use the pixel to track the products which are added to the cart by visitors. Tracked add to carts is used to compute the cart sessions, cart abandoned and user-product affinity.


The pixel's base code must already be installed on every page where you want to track add to carts.


Add To Cart event should be fired when a user adds a product to a cart.


All events are tracked by calling one of the library's function with a JSON object as it's parameters.

Following is a function call to track when a visitor has added a product to the cart on your website.

// with minimum required parameters
    "cli_ubid": "ubid-83789ssb",
    "products": [{
        "skuId": "XYZ-1231-1233",
        "sellerId": "SID-9999",
        "quantity": "2" // optional. Defaults to 1

List of all the standard events can be found here.

Object Properties of Products key

You can include the following predefined object properties with any events that support them. Format your parameter object data using JSON.

Complete list of object properties can be found here.

Example call of function with all the product properties

// with all parameters
    "products": [{
        "skuId": "XYZ-1231-1233",
        "sellerId": "SID-9999",
        "category": "Pizza > Veg Pizza",
        "productPrice": "999",
        "currency": "INR",
        "discount": "899",
        "quantity": "2"
    "cli_ubid": "ubid-83789ssb"

Tracking clicks on Buttons

Suppose you have an e-commerce website and your "Add to Cart" button does not navigate to a new page. You may want to activate an event when the button is clicked.

Fire Add To Cart either on a new page load or on the click of an Add To Cart button. There are multiple ways to handle clicks on buttons. Here's an example adding an eventListener to a button.

<!-- Somewhere there is a button that performs Add to Cart -->
<button id="addToCartButton">Add To Cart</button>

<!-- Add Pixel Events to the button's click handler -->
<script type="text/javascript">
  var button = document.getElementById('addToCartButton');
    function() { 
          "products": [{
              "skuId": "XYZ-1231-1233",
              "sellerId": "SID-9999",
              "category": "Pizza > Veg Pizza",
              "productPrice": "999",
              "currency": "INR",
              "discount": "899",
              "quantity": "2"
          "cli_ubid": "ubid-83789ssb"

There are many ways you can handle click events; just make sure to always call _osAdd2Cart function after the click.

Last updated